I was born to Turkish parents in The Netherlands and have spent my life there until mid-twenties. I already knew I did not want to spent my adult life in the same place I already knew for ever and decided to move to Berlin.
The decision fell quite easy, as I have family members living in Berlin too.
My intention was to spend about two to three years here, which quickly turned into 10 years now.
I work in the field of marketing and carry the responsibility over a team of 25+ people. My OCD comes extremely handy, as I get to go crazy with my structures and processes :) Just like home: everything has its own place.
Since 2014 I have been living in my current apartment. It is a two-room apartment with a massive balcony in Lichtenberg. A classic “Plattenbau”.
I live by myself and have been so since my twenties. Recently a dog moved ;)

You told us that a while ago you decided to renovate your entire apartment. What inspired you to embark on a new interior design journey and swap out all your stuff?
When I got the current apartment, I just wanted to have furniture as soon and easy as possible. I just wanted to have the basics and did not think much about comfort, design and how important it is to feel comfortable and cozy in your own home.
Eventually I just got tired of everything I had at home and wanted something new. I started off with painting the walls and the ceiling dark grey, close to black. Then I started looking for a couch that would “pop”. I remember ordering the couch online with a friend in a park in Berlin. Helmholtzplatz to be specific :)
Every other furniture piece came over time. It took me about 2 years to get to the current set up of the interior and I am still not done.

What challenges/lessons did you encounter or learn along the way when renovating an entire apartment?
Not everything has to match together. Think of every area as its own space. The hallway, living room, dining area, work space etc.
Don’t be afraid of dark colors, especially if you have a smaller space. It can work out just great.
Make sure your “statement pieces” can pop out. Be proud of the pieces you have gathered and there is nothing wrong with showing them off.
And last but not least: don’t rush it. You will not find every piece immediately, it takes time.
What is your favorite item in your home?
Definitely my vacuum cleaner. Best purchase ever :)
But if it is interior related: it changes every time. Right now I am truly enjoying my chairs. I am glad I have invested in them, especially since I am using them so much at the moment due to home-office.
What was your biggest "splurge"? And is there anything else you're saving for?
It must by the night stand from By Lassen. I really enjoy looking at it and believe it makes the living area complete.
I really want to replace the lamp I have and the dining table. For both I have already something in mind from Artek.
What's your secret to making it all come together nicely?
Take your time. Do not rush it.
Play with colors.
And do not underestimate the “coziness” value of carpets and curtains. It really makes a house come together.
In a small place like mine, clever placements of mirrors can really make a room much bigger.

Olympic Weightlifting. How did you get interested in such an activity?
I was looking back at pictures of my 30th birthday and did not like what I was seeing. I decided to change my eating habits and quickly picked up on sports. I joined a CrossFit Box. Some of the workouts also included aspects of olympic weightlifting, which i gravitated more to. Eventually I switched entirely over to olympic lifting.
You recently adopted a dog. What is life with a dog like in Berlin? Can you tell us some of your favorite places in the city that you visit with him?
Berlin truly is an amazing city for dog owners. I never knew how much greenery Berlin has to offer. From woods to massive parks.
Today marks actually our three months anniversary together, so I am still discovering the nice spots. So far I really enjoy going for longer walks in Landschaftspark Herzberge, Grunewald, Plaenterwald and Ahrendsfelde.
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